Is Playing Powerball More Rational than Voting for President?
Op-Ed by Dan Sanchez The writer Ambrose Bierce called the lottery a “tax on people who are bad at math.” Those who agree have scoffed at the hullabaloo over the recent Powerball, with its $1.6 billion...
View ArticleBen Carson Questioned on the U.S. Government Funding of ISIS
By Derrick Broze On February 25th the Republican Presidential Debate circus made its way to Houston, Texas. Rubio, Cruz, Kasich, Carson and Trump took to the stage to convince the people of Houston and...
View ArticleThe 2016 US Presidential Election: Produced for Your Viewing Satisfaction
By Janet Phelan Every four years, in an established display of political engagement, Americans line up on the right or the left and the game begins. Feelings that lay dormant or simmering for four...
View ArticleWATCH: Computer Programmer Testifies Under Oath He Coded Computers to Rig...
By Matt Agorist “It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” – Joseph Stalin (allegedly)...
View ArticleNew Law Allows Unlimited Amounts of Secret Money Into Elections
By Justin Gardner When a divided U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Citizens United in 2010, it reshaped the political landscape by opening the floodgates to what is known as “dark money.” Unlimited...
View ArticleMan Arrested For Wearing Anonymous Mask At Protest For Arizona Election Fraud
By Brianna Acuesta A man wearing an Anonymous mask, a symbol of the hacktivists fighting for justice, was arrested in Arizona while sitting peacefully during a hearing at the state Capitol regarding...
View Article2016: The Year Americans Found Out Our Elections Are Rigged
Op-Ed by Nick Bernabe “Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president. And the same thing applies to...
View ArticleThe Weirdest Possible Outcomes For The Strangest Election In U.S. History
By Brandon Smith If you are a longtime activist in the Liberty Movement then you are well aware that elections do not matter in terms of the future direction our nation takes. Presidents are puppets of...
View ArticleSyrian Parliamentary Election Results Disprove Western Claims Of “Alawite...
By Brandon Turbeville If the last nail had not yet been pounded into the West’s “The Syrian government is a sectarian dictatorship” line, the recent Syrian Parliamentary elections have gone to great...
View ArticleBob Tuskin: There Is No Hope In Politics
Activist Post reporter Derrick Broze speaks with activist and researcher Bob Tuskin. Tuskin is a longtime activist working to expose truths about the crimes of the elite. Tuskin is also the...
View ArticleSyrian Elections Confirm West’s Worst Fears
By Tony Cartalucci Despite Syria’s ongoing conflict, life in many parts of the nation goes on. Syria’s election schedule is no exception. The last parliamentary elections before the latest held this...
View ArticleArizona Poll Worker Confirms Rigged Primary — Testifies Her Machine Gave Out...
By Matt Agorist As the Free Thought Project reported, voter suppression in Maricopa County, and the rest of Arizona ran rampant last month during the primary. The number of polling locations was...
View ArticleOnly Half of Americans Realize Election System Is Rigged
By Lily Dane “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” – Unknown, commonly misattributed to Franklin D. Roosevelt According to a Reuters/Ipsos...
View ArticleWhy Vote When Our Votes Really Don’t Count
By Catherine J. Frompovich For years I never could understand why people said it was not worth voting and that things were rigged. I found that to be anathema to both my studies and beliefs. However,...
View ArticleGardening More Meaningful than Voting in a Rigged Political System
By Alex Pietrowski The most effective change-makers in our society aren’t waiting around for a new president to make their lives better, they’re planting seeds, quite literally, and through the...
View ArticleNew York Lawsuit Claims 2016 Election Was Rigged
By Christina Sarich “Presidents are selected, not elected.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt New York voters are alleging fraud in a lawsuit that claims their party affiliation was magically changed without...
View ArticleThailand: US-Funded “Monitors” Exposed
By Tony Cartalucci Thailand faces an upcoming referendum regarding a new national charter meant to put the country back on track after over a decade of political conflict revolving around US-backed...
View ArticleHow Elections Are Won: Voting Machine Fraud
By Catherine J. Frompovich Votes cast on electronic voting machines cannot be verified! What a horrible thought, especially when you cast your ballot November 8th, 2016. Governors and others,...
View ArticleThe Deep State Institutions That Couldn’t Care Less Who You Vote For
By Dylan Charles The American people are again fully enthralled in the puppet show of national elections, and while arguments grow ever-more heated and partisan, the fact remains that no matter which...
View ArticleLeaders of Congress Demand a Federalized Voting System
By Kurt Nimmo, Blacklisted News On Wednesday Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, and Harry Reid sent a letter to Todd Valentine of the National Association of State Election directors. The...
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