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Designed For Fraud? Dominating In Antrim County


By Maryam Henein

Editor’s Note: Activist Post does not endorse any candidate for president or any other political office. This article is presented for informational purposes only and all opinions are the author’s alone.

Do deeds get dirtier the deeper you go?

On Friday, December 4th, Circuit Judge Kevin Elsenheimer ordered a forensic inspection of 22 Dominion election machines used in Antrim County and prohibited the destruction of evidence relating to the 2020 election.

According to the Detroit Free Press, Antrim County spokesperson Jeremy Scott said forensic images will be taken from county precinct tabulators used in the Nov. 3 election.

Scott reportedly said a group called ASOG will begin taking the forensic images Sunday morning, with Clerk Sheryl Guy, county administrator Pete Garwood, and Bailey in attendance. The imaging is expected to take hours, but there is no timeline for the forensic team’s investigation and results, he said.

Please follow Maryam Henein on Twitter @maryamhenein
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The order, reports USANews, actually stemmed from voter William Bailey, who alleged that ballots “were damaged during a recounting of ballots in a village marijuana proposal that narrowly passed. The Trump team used the opportunity to also gain access to the machines.”

“Our team is going to be able to go in this morning at about 8:30 and will be there for about eight hours to conduct that forensic examination and we’ll have the results in about 48 hours, and that’ll tell us a lot about these machines,” Trump election attorney Jenna Ellis told Fox News on Sunday, December 6th.

Preserving all records seems like a no brainer but apparently, according to John Basham, a retired AI Developer and former elected official, a memorandum, dated December 1st, Michigan election officials instructed all software & files associated with the election be deleted within seven days of canvassing.

Elsenheimer’s order comes after a back and forth decision by the Board of State Canvassers to certify Biden’s purported 154,000-vote victory in Michigan. Reportedly, a record number of Michiganders — over 5.4 million —participated in the electoral process this year.

To understand the level of chicanery in Michigan one has to pay attention to detail — which is where the devil lies — as well as the surmounting testimony of odd yet similar experiences. We start with the accounts of several vote dumps that first came in at approximately 4 am on Wednesday morning, showing that Joe Biden received almost 100 percent of the votes. Strange, given President Trump was leading by hundreds of thousands of votes as America went to sleep.

Many states, including Michigan, reported that counting stopped for several hours before the final tabulations, which theoretically can allow for an assessment of how many votes were “needed.”

“Imagine flipping a coin 4,645,908 times & getting heads 52% of the time — then, at 3AM, you flip it 154,000 times & it’s 100% tails — that’s Michigan,” Lara Trump said on December 7, via Twitter.

In Antrim, voting machines sparked controversy after a ‘software glitch’ caused some 6,000 votes in one county to switch from Trump to Biden. We didn’t yet know of Dominion. But later, Michigan officials claimed the glitch was not caused by Dominion machines or software, but related to a human error.

However, Powell’s lawsuit filed on behalf of Republicans against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, and the Michigan Board of State Canvassers, affirms that the Dominion Voting Systems’ election management system and voting machines (tabulators) were indeed used in Antrim County and that they were the reason for the bug. Antrim was just one of 47 counties in Michigan that used Dominion Voting Systems to process their ballots.

Can examiners verify for certain that the system was safe from fraudulent or unauthorized manipulation? Was it really or glitch or is it a feature? 

The Powell lawsuit further states that the State of Michigan entered into a contract with Dominion Systems’ Democracy Suite 4.14-D first, and then included Dominion Systems’ Democracy Suite 5.0-S on or about January 27, 2017, which added a fundamental modification: “dial-up and wireless results transmission capabilities to the ImageCast Precinct and results transmission using the Democracy Suite EMS Results Transfer Manager module.”

“While the glitch issue was identified and corrected after observers flagged the unlikeliness of the outcome, it’s unclear whether this issue replicated itself elsewhere,” writes an open petition for an independent audit.

During the Michigan senate hearing and via affidavit, Dominion contractor Melissa Carone, who worked at the TCF Center, said she witnessed countless workers rescanning batches without discarding them first – as required under Michigan rules and Dominion’s procedures – “which resulted in ballots being counted 4-5 times.” When Carone observed that a computer indicated that it had “a number of over 400 ballots scanned – which means one batch [of 50] was counted over eight times,” and complained to her Dominion supervisor, she was informed that “we are here to assist with IT work, not to run their election.”

“The Dominion System put in place by its own design violates the intent of Federal law on the requirement to preserve and retain records – which clearly requires preservation of all records requisite to voting in such an election. Dominion logs are only voluntary, with no system-wide preservation system. Without an incorruptible audit log, there is no acceptable system,” states the Powell lawsuit.

Dominion denies this and contends that their systems “are capable of producing paper records and are 100% auditable, with testing, reviews, audits, and recounts subject to oversight and verification by all political parties.”

As evidence of the risks of the Dominion Democracy Suite, as described above, the same Dominion Democracy Suite was denied certification in Texas by the Secretary of State on January 24, 2020, specifically to be safe from fraud or unauthorized manipulation.

More Mail-In Mischief In Michigan

Meanwhile in Detroit, an experienced ballot counter explained what she saw “has never happened in the 20 years of being in this business.” At the end of the day, when voting had stopped and they were ready to go home, suddenly a white van, a Chrysler, and a Ferrari pulled up with an estimated 130,000 additional ballots.

Detroit poll watcher Shane Trejo also witnessed 61 cases of mystery ballots showing up in the dead of night in a city elections van in Detroit at 3:30am Election Night. “No chain of custody, 7 1/2 hours of ballots in limbo…public will be shocked at the fraud.”

“This type of widespread fraud in the counting and processing of voter ballots cannot be allowed to stand,” said David A. Kallman, an attorney with the Great Lakes Justice Center, a non-profit corporation dealing with constitutional liberties and other civil rights issues, who filed an election crimes lawsuit in Wayne County Circuit Court in Detroit on November 8th. The complaint states that the criminal acts “disenfranchised lawful voters and potentially changed the outcome of the election.”

“Michigan citizens are entitled to know that their elections are conducted in a fair and legal manner and that every legal vote is properly counted.”

Following the elections, variations of irregularities soon surfaced, best detailed in a November 14th letter by Aric Nesbitt and other MI senators to Secretary of State Benson. Nesbitt had requested an audit prior to the certification.

As Sidney Powell summarizes in her lawsuit, “The fraud was executed by many means, but the most fundamentally troubling, insidious, and egregious is the systemic adaptation of old-fashioned ‘Ballot-stuffing.’”

Some of the allegations in Nesbitt’s letter include:

  • counting the same batches of ballots multiple times;
  • instructing poll workers to backdate absentee ballots;
  • counting late ballots after illicitly pre-dating them;
  • using false information to process ballots, such as using incorrect or false birthdays and inserting new names into the QVF and recorded these new voters as having a birthdate of 1/1/1900;
  • accepting ballots deposited in drop boxes after the deadline;
  • duplicating ballots illegally;
  • counting ballots even though the voter’s name did not appear in the official voter rolls;
  • ordering election workers to not verify voters’ signatures on absentee ballots

Some of these occurrences above are addressed in a lawsuit by The Amistad Project. One of their suits is also faulting MI Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson for providing Rock The Vote, a far-left activist group that identifies as “non-partisan,” with the private information of MI residents.

“We also have two other pre-election lawsuits still pending. Despite inaccurate reports from other media, those have not been dismissed. We were among the first and now we’re the last ones standing in the arena in Michigan,” explains Attorney Ian Northon, Special Counsel for The Amistad Project.

There are also disturbing claims regarding how Michigan officials managed events prior to the 2020 election.

For instance, in September, the Detroit City Council approved a $1 million contract for the staffing firm P.I.E. Management to hire up to 2,000 workers to work the polls and staff the ballot-counting machines at the TCF Center. The lawsuit claims that this money came from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg through the group CTCL, “which paid over $400 million nationwide to Democrat-favoring election officials and municipalities.”

The suit, which lists Karamo as a plaintiff (mentioned earlier), also accuses Benson of sending at least 350,000 unsolicited ballots without a signed requested as required by Michigan law, and millions more absentee ballot applications without verifying whether the intended recipients were still residing at the same location, whether they were eligible to vote in 2020, or even whether they were still alive.

The Amistad Project claims officials counted 13,248 ballots cast by individuals who were registered to vote in another state. They also counted 317 ballots from people who voted more than once and 259 ballots from voters who listed only an email address instead of a physical address. Finally, election officials mailed out at least 74,000 absentee ballots that voters requested online.

The above image, which highlights 500,000+ unlawful ballots or illegal votes, is the main case pending before the Michigan Supreme Court.

After analyzing the data, experts observed more concrete patterns:

  • Cyber Security Analyst Expert Russell James Ramsland, Jr. noted a “physically impossible” event after analyzing voting machines in Michigan. He determined that the maximum processing capability was only 94,867 ballots, so that “there were 289,866 more ballots processed in the time available for processing in the four precincts/townships than the capacity allows.”
  • Ramsland also identified “4 spikes totaling 384,733 ballots allegedly processed in a combined interval of 2 hours and 38 minutes” for four precincts/townships in four Michigan counties (Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Kent). Read: the computer system was only capable of processing 94,867 ballots in that time. Yet, the reported results claimed that 384,733 ballots were processed. Physically impossible.The spikes are strongly indicative of  manual adjustment either by the operator of the system or an attack by outside actors.
  • An affidavit from Eric Quinell, Ph.D. analyzed the extraordinary increase in turnout from 2016 to 2020 in a relatively small subset of townships and precincts outside of Detroit in Wayne County and Oakland County, and more importantly, how nearly 100% or more of all “new” voters from 2016 to 2020 voted for Biden. Wayne County is Michigan’s largest metropolis and home to the city of Detroit.
  • Evidence compiled by Braynard using the National Change of Address
  • (“NCOA”) database shows that 12,120 Michigan voters in the 2020 General Election moved out-of-state prior to voting and therefore were ineligible. Mr. Braynerd identified 1,170 Michigan voters in the 2020 General Election who subsequently registered to vote in another state, and were therefore ineligible to vote in the 2020 General Election. When duplicates from the two databases are eliminated, the merged number is 13,248 ineligible voters whose votes must be removed from the total for the 2020 General Election. See Voter Integrity Project: Findings and Conclusions.
  • Another separate nonpartisan effort by unpaid citizens and experts revealed hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots flagged as potentially fraudulent, leading statisticians to posit “strong evidence” exists that results were “manipulated by a computer algorithm.” Of the 3,507,129 ballots requested, the report flags hundreds of thousands of ballots with qualities such as “duplicate ballot IDs,” “missing ballot address,” or “year of birth before 1921.”

Read Part 1: The Wolverine State — A Flip-Flopping Fiesta of Fraud?

Read Part 3: Michigan — Power Tripping at the Polls

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Designed For Fraud? Dominating In Antrim County

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